Police Now Impact report 2022/23



Innovative learning and supportive cultures to drive performance

Together with our partner forces, we support and encourage officers to think differently, adapt to challenging environments and create new ideas that lead to improved outcomes for communities and policing.

Using a combination of innovative learning techniques and supportive approaches, participants develop the skills needed to constructively challenge existing cultures, protocols and processes in policing.

Our latest data shows that this approach to training translates into high levels of self-assessed knowledge and confidence to perform the officer role among our participants.

Building operational knowledge and confidence

A continuous focus on improving our application of these learning techniques allows us to equip Police Now participants with the operational knowledge and confidence they need to generate change in their communities and forces. Our officers enter their force with a strong belief that they have the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to perform their role effectively​1

Knowledge, skills and abilities
0 %

Strongly agree/agree

No Data Found

0 %

Strongly agree/agree

No Data Found

During Police Now’s National Detective Programme Academy 2023

0 %

of Syndicate Leads2 agreed that participants have the knowledge they require ahead of their return to force3

Emotionally intelligent leaders​

Police Now recruits and develops diverse individuals with strong communication and problem-solving skills and high levels of emotional intelligence. 

Independent research suggests that those entering the police service through Police Now score higher than a comparable group of professionals on several key dimensions of emotional intelligence, including conscientiousness, empathy, and emotional control. These are essential skills for effective leadership, managing wellbeing in complex environments, translating new ideas into action and helping policing meet current and future challenges.

"Police Now participants are aware of the impact that their actions have and are willing to step up, challenge and hold each other to account. They have their eye on the ball with procedurally just policing, putting the need to build and maintain trust centre stage. Given the increasingly negative perceptions of the police, we need such an approach more than ever.​"

Professor Almuth McDowall​
Lead researcher on the independent evaluation of the seventh National Graduate Leadership Programme cohort, Birkbeck University of London​

Strong communicators and evidence-based problem solvers

Feedback from participants’ line managers and colleagues shows that Police Now participants are strong communicators and problem-solvers, challenging historic ways of working, building positive relationships with others and tackling issues using evidence-based methods.

Line manager and colleague feedback on the communication and problem-solving skills of participants on Police Now programmes 5

(% strongly agree/agree)

Strong relationships with the community
Strong relationships with the community 97%
Good public engagement and relationships with members of the community ​
Effective use of the evidence base
Effective use of the evidence base 92%
Good identification and definition of problems in the community and force​
Good identification of community problems
Good identification of community problems 90%
Effective use of the evidence base to develop and implement response plans to problems identified​

High performers

Police Now participants perform strongly in their university and operational assessments year-on-year, reflecting their commitment to professional and effective police practice.​

Participants achieve a higher first-time pass rate on the National Investigators’ Exam than the national average, and consistently achieve merit or distinction on university assignments.


Level 6 Graduate Diploma in Professional Policing Practice: Distinction, Merit and Pass rates on the first attempt across National Graduate Leadership Programme cohorts (C).

No Data Found

Level 6 Graduate Diploma in Professional Policing Practice Distinction, Merit and Pass rates on the first attempt across National Detective Programme cohorts (C).

No Data Found

Police Now National Investigators’ Exam pass rate across National Detective Programme cohorts (C). (relative to national average success rate)6

No Data Found

Frontline Leadership Programme

The Police Now Frontline Leadership Programme is a one-year developmental programme that prepares the most diverse, committed and capable police officers for promotion into formal leadership roles.

The programme is open for eligible officers from our partner forces who are aiming to progress from constable to sergeant rank. ​​

The programme consists of five in-person taught days, with independent and peer group learning between each taught day designed to consolidate and implement your learning, with support from your dedicated Progression and Development Officer throughout.​


No Data Found

Frontline Leadership Programme participants have passed Step Two of the Sergeants’ National Police Promotion Framework since the programme launched in 2021​
0 %

No Data Found

Of participants on the Frontline Leadership Programme identify as women​
0 %

No Data Found

Of participants on the Frontline Leadership Programme identify as being from an ethnic minority background ​

"My aims and objectives for the sergeant role is to effectively share knowledge and empower my colleagues to grow. For me, the end goal is to promote that culture of effective supervision.​"

Jonathan Opaye-Tetteh
Frontline Leadership Programme, Sussex Police​

Sunita Gamblin QPM

Former Chair of Police Now’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee

"I value Police Now as an organisation primarily because of its refusal to shy away from discussing issues with regard to inequality in policing."

Equity, diversity and inclusion​

Equity, diversity and inclusion are woven into the fabric of our programmes through curriculum content, practical training and a unique support offering for every Police Now participant. This is a constant focus of all of our staff who seek to promote representation and inclusivity at every level of policing, our programmes and organisation.

Alongside transforming communities, Police Now participants have a strong belief in the value of equity and diversity in the workplace.

As advocates of cultural change and inclusion within policing, participants are working to increase policing’s ability to tackle racism, misogyny, bias and discrimination wherever it is found.

Anokhi Chouhan

"When looking at how to make an impact in the police force, I started working with things like unconscious bias, diversity and women's leadership. I saw so many things that could be improved in terms of diversity and inclusion that I just couldn't help but get involved."

Anokhi Chouhan
National Graduate Leadership Programme, Essex Police


  1. Measured via an online survey on the last day of Police Now’s National Detective Programme Academy 2023 (n=164). ‘I have the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to perform the role effectively’ and ‘I have the confidence needed to perform the role effectively’.  ↩

  2. Syndicate Leads are seconded Sergeants from partner forces who teach, coach and mentor our participants at the academy. ↩

  3. Measured via an online survey on the last day of the Police Now National Detective Academy in 2022 (N=9) ‘To what extent do you agree or disagree that your participants have the knowledge required for their return to force ahead of their in-force training week?’ ↩

  4. Measured via an online survey on the last day of the Police Now National Detective Academy in 2022 (N=144) ‘To what extent do you agree or disagree that the culture at the academy was: Professional; Supportive; Positive; High Performing' ↩

  5. Measured via an online survey completed by participant line managers and colleagues after 9-months on the programme (n=112) ‘Please rate the extent to which you agree with the following statements regarding this officer's leadership skills: This officer engages well with the public and has good relationships with members of the community and This officer constructively challenges historic ways of working and offers innovative solutions’ and ‘Please rate the extent to which you agree with the following statements regarding this officer's evidence-based policing skills: This officer effectively identifies and defines problems in the community and force they serve and This officer utilises the evidence base to develop and implement a response plan to problems they identify’ ↩

  6. College of Policing Limited (2023). NIE June 2023 – Results and Analysis Overview. https://assets.college.police.uk/s3fs-public/2023-06/NIE-June-2023-results-and-analysis-overview.pdf ↩

Dorset Police

Police Now | Dorset Police
Scott Chilton - Dorset Police Chief Constable

Scott Chilton

Chief Constable

National Graduate Leadership Programme

Cohorts: 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
No. of police officers enrolled: 6

National Detective Programme

Cohorts: —— —— —— —— 2019 2020
No. of police officers enrolled:

Visit the Dorset Police website www.dorset.police.uk