Applications for our National Graduate Leadership Programme now open!


Partner forces

Join the police service through our partner forces

Police Now currently works in partnership with over 30 police forces across England and Wales to attract, train and develop outstanding graduates to become inspirational police officers.

Through our attraction, recruitment and innovative training programmes, graduates join our partner police forces to support them in achieving a positive impact on their local communities.

At the start of your journey with Police Now, you are asked to indicate the force you are interested in working in. Due to some forces being oversubscribed, we do encourage applicants to be as flexible as possible and consider alternate forces. We will also ask if you are willing to relocate to other areas in order to participate in the programme. If you successfully secure a place at our assessment centre, we will discuss your options with you before you attend.

Our partner forces

Police Now | Avon & Somerset Constabulary
Avon and Somerset Police
Police Now | Bedfordshire Police
Bedfordshire Police
Police Now | Cambridgeshire Constabulary
Cambridgeshire Constabulary
Cheshire Police Jobs
Cheshire Constabulary
City of London Police
Police Now | Derbyshire Constabulary
Derbyshire Constabulary
Police Now | Devon & Cornwall Constabulary
Devon and Cornwall Police
Police Now | Dorset Police
Dorset Police
Heddlu Dyfed Powys Police
Essex Police Jobs
Essex Police
Gloucestershire Constabulary
Gloucestershire Constabulary
Greater Manchester Police jobs
Greater Manchester Police
Gwent Police
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary
Hertfordshire Police Jobs
Hertfordshire Constabulary
Humberside Police Jobs
Humberside Police
Police Now | Kent Police
Kent Police
Police Now | Lancashire Constabulary
Lancashire Constabulary
Lincolnshire Police
Lincolnshire Police
Police Now | Merseyside Police
Merseyside Police
Met Police Jobs
Metropolitan Police
Police Now | Northamptonshire Police
Northamptonshire Police
Police Now | Northumbria Police
Northumbria Police
Police Now | North Wales Police
North Wales Police
Police Now | North Yorkshire Police
North Yorkshire Police
Police Now | South Wales Police
South Wales Police
Police Now | South Yorkshire Police
South Yorkshire Police
Police Now | Staffordshire Police
Staffordshire Police
Surrey Police Jobs
Surrey Police
Police Now | Sussex Police
Sussex Police
Thames Valley Police Jobs
Thames Valley Police
Police Now | Warwickshire Police
Warwickshire Police
Police Now | West Mercia Police
West Mercia Police
West Midlands Police Jobs
West Midlands Police
Police Now | West Yorkshire Police
West Yorkshire Police
Wiltshire Police
Wiltshire Police
Joining the police force

Am I training with
Police Now or with a police force?

You will be a participant on a Police Now national graduate programme, working with a specific police force alongside other serving officers from this force.

You’ll participate in the Police Now programme, whilst working in your chosen police force, for the duration of the two-year programme.

And at the end of the two years, when you successfully complete the programme and your probation, you’ll have the opportunity to consider continuing as a police detective with this police force.

Am I training alongside other Police Now participants?

Successful applicants start their Police Now programme with a multi-week residential academy, alongside other Police Now participants who will later be joining other police forces.

 91% of participants from last years’ academy said they felt the quality of support they’d received from fellow participants was excellent.

While completing the Police Now Academy, you’ll be introduced to your chosen force, giving you the chance to meet key contacts and complete elements of your training. After completing your academy, you will spend the remainder of your two-year Police Now programme with your force.

At this point you’ll be assigned to a specific community within your chosen forces’ jurisdiction, completing your training alongside police mentors and serving police officers from that force.

Your Police Now Performance and Development Coach will work with you over the entire two-year programme to mentor and develop your leadership skills.

You’ll work day-to-day with police mentors from your force and alongside serving police detectives who will also help you to achieve your impact objectives.

Joining the police force

Which force should I choose?

We have historically partnered with over 30 police forces across England and Wales.

Each police force is associated with an area and have different requirements for the number of Police Now participants they need. This means you should complete your application, online assessment and assessment centre as soon as you’re able, to avoid any disappointment.

Some of our participants select a force based on a region they’re familiar with, the area where they grew-up, or the city where they went to university. Equally, many relocate to new areas to join a force based on the communities they’d like to be involved with over the two-year programme. 

Whatever your decision on force location, you will be joining our programme alongside other Police Now participants in the same position as you, as well as other police staff based in your chosen force.

What it's like to join the police

Do you have what it takes to transform communities? Becoming a police officer is a big step. Hear our participants’ experiences throughout their journey on the Police Now National Graduate Leadership Programme.

I decided to join the police in my third year at uni.

I can have a positive impact at a ground level.

I liked the fact it was a graduate scheme, particularly a leadership one.

Current programmes

Police Now offer two national graduate programmes. Which one is right for you?  

Find out what each programme offers and what the role of a neighbourhood police officer or police detective is like.

National Graduate Leadership Programme

As a neighbourhood police officer you will work within diverse communities, devise long term strategic solutions and work collaboratively in a multi agency approach to solve crimes and systemic problems.

National Detective Programme

As a detective you care, it’s a serious career choice. You act on instinct and grow your capacity to change communities by delivering excellence in policing.

Help and useful links


Do you have questions about applying? From eligibility, to what the training will involve.


Need to get in touch with our team? We’re here to help. Reach out today.


Join our mailing list to keep updated on career opportunities, Police Now insights and news.


 Access top tips and  guidance on the application process for our national graduate programmes.

Dorset Police

Police Now | Dorset Police
Scott Chilton - Dorset Police Chief Constable

Scott Chilton

Chief Constable

National Graduate Leadership Programme

Cohorts: 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
No. of police officers enrolled: 6

National Detective Programme

Cohorts: —— —— —— —— 2019 2020
No. of police officers enrolled:

Visit the Dorset Police website