National detective programme Applications now open


An introduction to evidence based policing and community policing

It’s Friday and as we head into the weekend, we thought we’d provide you with a few interesting sites focusing on Evidence-Based Policing, in particular where it concerns neighbourhood / community-based policing.

Firstly, we have the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy ( based at George Mason University, Virginia, considered forerunners in the advancement of research into evidence-based policing. Their website contains a number of publications and articles on many aspects concerning evidence-based policing ( The following article discusses community policing in an American context but the points made are nevertheless still relevant to policing in the UK. Commitment to police legitimacy link directly to Peel’s principles which underpin the values of British policing.

Community Policing and Procedural Justice –

The College of Policing are also committed to promoting evidence-based good practice in policing and also features a collection of published research –

Lastly, there is the Society of Evidence-Based Policing – which requires a signup (free) but once you have, you will have access to their library of research too.

Have a great weekend!

Dorset Police

Police Now | Dorset Police
Scott Chilton - Dorset Police Chief Constable

Scott Chilton

Chief Constable

National Graduate Leadership Programme

Cohorts: 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
No. of police officers enrolled: 6

National Detective Programme

Cohorts: —— —— —— —— 2019 2020
No. of police officers enrolled:

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