Applications for our National Graduate Leadership Programme now open!


Press release

Police Now detective supports victims of crime in Gloucester

Police Now detective supports victims of crime in Gloucester 

Monday 19 December 2022

Detective Constable Zoe Sanders, who joined Gloucestershire Constabulary in 2021 via Police Now’s National Detective Programme, successfully led an investigation to convict four offenders of common assault, after they mercilessly beat a man and his friend. 

Earlier this year, a violent fight broke out on the streets of Gloucester following a pay dispute involving four offenders and two victims. Both victims were injured in the assault and taken to hospital but were thankfully discharged with only minor injuries. Police were immediately called to the scene where they arrested three of the offenders, before placing them into custody.  

 DC Zoe Sanders led the investigation and, after spending hours examining CCTV footage, managed to identify the fourth offender who had evaded police the previous night. Zoe then tracked him down and escorted him to the police station to be interviewed. 

All four offenders initially pleaded not-guilty, however after seeing Zoe’s thorough and completed casefile – including CCTV footage, victim statements and injury photos – they soon realised their defence was crumbling and revoked their non-guilty stance for a guilty plea. The offenders were later each convicted of one count of common assault and sentenced to pay a fine of over £1000, not including court fees. 

Detective Constable Zoe Sanders said: “It was particularly rewarding to see the case go to court and for the victims to get a positive result. Throughout the case I worked tirelessly not only to gather evidence but also to support the victims, who had recently emigrated to the UK. There was a significant language barrier, so I made an effort to communicate via email rather than over the phone so the victims could spend more time reading and digesting the complexities of the case. I also worked with an interpreter during our in-person visits, to ensure they received the best support and most accurate updates.  

“Before I joined Police Now’s National Detective Programme, I worked in a forensic setting, supporting individuals with mental health conditions transition back into local communities. The Police Now programme has provided a fantastic opportunity for me to continue using and developing the skills and experience I have acquired over the years, as I seek to support the neighbourhood.  

“In the future, I look to continue working in the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and hope to become a tutor, helping new recruits as they enter the force – just like I was not too long ago. Of course, working in CID means you’re exposed to some horrific cases, but I see it as a privilege to be able to support and provide justice for those in society who need it most.” 

Detective Constable Steven Martin, Zoe’s tutor said: “DC Sanders has been a great asset to our team. Her enthusiastic and inquisitive nature has helped her to quickly fit in and begin demonstrating her knowledge and understanding of investigating the most serious of offences. I am sure that she has built a strong foundation on which she can build an investigative career that she will be rightfully proud of.” 

Applications for Police Now’s National Graduate Leadership Programme are currently open for talented graduates who want to positively transform communities and become leaders in policing and in society.  

For more information on the stats referenced above, please see Police Now’s latest Impact Report here.  


For any enquiries please get in touch with us. 


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Dorset Police

Police Now | Dorset Police
Scott Chilton - Dorset Police Chief Constable

Scott Chilton

Chief Constable

National Graduate Leadership Programme

Cohorts: 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
No. of police officers enrolled: 6

National Detective Programme

Cohorts: —— —— —— —— 2019 2020
No. of police officers enrolled:

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