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Everyone deserves to feel safe in the place they live.
Become a neighbourhood police officer.
National Graduate Leadership Programme
For every neighbourhood, street corner, home. For every child, caregiver, loved one. For every life. Every neighbourhood deserves to feel safe, with police officers they can trust.
Every neighbourhood needs a leader to support and strengthen their community. As a neighbourhood police officer, you can stop crime before it happens. You can build a better tomorrow.
You can help communities rocked by injustice and plagued by crime to trust the police. You can build a diverse police service, one that serves each and every member in our society. You can be the one to turn a life from the wrong path onto the right one.
For your ambitions, career goals, promotions. For every brave new idea and the lives you’ll change. For a graduate career where leadership drives change, become a neighbourhood police officer with Police Now.
Our two-year National Graduate Leadership Programme gives you the opportunity to make our society better from day one.
With a competitive salary, career progression and promotion opportunities, and leadership development training, our award winning graduate scheme helps you use your degree, your background and your ideas in a role that really matters.
Become a neighbourhood police officer.
Ambition Career Goal Promotion
"What attracted me to the National Graduate Leadership Programme was the career progression, the responsibility you get and the structure to the programme."
Emma Adams, Police Now graduate.
Be a visible leader in your community
The graduates who choose Police Now want more. More than a 9-5, and more than a regular graduate scheme. They want to see the difference they’re making each day: in communities, in society, and in individual lives. They want to bring their diverse backgrounds, their experiences and their ideas into visible roles across England and Wales. They want to right the wrongs they see in constructive and positive ways.
They want to build long-term relationships inside of communities. They see the bigger picture and can put together services in neighbourhoods to help people, to create solutions that allow communities to flourish.
Whether working to improve the systems and status quo within policing or on the frontline of society’s most challenging problems, you bring your perspective, your unique ideas, and your passion to the role in each and every moment. Our programme is a way for you to use your top level leadership skills, your problem solving, your strategic thinking, and your decision making to really change people’s lives.
Our programme is:
- For leaders: Police Now graduates are natural leaders. They bring their diverse experiences, different degree disciplines and exceptional ability to innovate to the frontline of real problems in our society.
- For your development: You’ll develop the professional and personal skills you need to make a change in people’s lives, and in the way we approach policing.
- For the community: Your day to day role will make a real difference to people’s lives. Your impact on their future will shape communities for the better.
You’re a graduate and you want to make a positive impact
Join over 2,000 outstanding graduates on the frontline, tackling our nation’s most pressing problems. Lead the future of our nation as a neighbourhood police officer and after the programme, rise up the ranks to continue having impact at a senior level.
A unique chance to explore many different areas of policing
A role with career progression and responsibility from day one
Not your usual desk job, but a proactive role helping communities
A structured programme focused on leadership development skills
Being a Police Now graduate allows you to fight for change
Continuous leadership skills development
Our 2025 National Graduate Leadership Programme
Applications for our National Graduate Leadership Programme are now open. We’re currently partnering with the following police forces across England:
• Avon and Somerset Police
• Northamptonshire Police
• West Midlands Police
North East
Yorkshire and the Humber
North West
West Midlands
East Midlands
East of England
South East
South West
Join over 3,000 outstanding graduates on the frontline, tackling our nation’s most pressing problems. Lead the future of our nation as a neighbourhood police officer and after the programme, rise up the ranks to continue having impact at a senior level.

Miriam Chapman-Rosenfeld
Police Now graduate

Obinna Anoliefo
Police Now graduate
Career progression
Detective Inspector Upile Mtitimila started his career on the National Graduate Leadership Programme and continues to rise through the ranks, changing people’s lives.
Work each day in a role where your leadership drives change. Influence for generations as a neighbourhood police officer.